The Party Animal
4.3% of women | 4.2% of men
4.3% of women | 4.2% of men
The Party Animal is positive, sociable, and feeds off other people and their energy. Prone to babbling, you are often being reigned in. School and work tend to bore you, and people who are overly serious, earnest, or formal have you reaching for a cocktail.
Your friends often complain that they lose you immediately on nights out: you fling open the door, launch yourself into a crowd, and disappear until the next day.
Some people massage their feet, complain about headaches, and yawn their way to bed, but big groups, long nights, and loud music just give you more energy. You have unread mail, unpaid bills, and unfinished projects gathering dust in a draw somewhere, but for some reason despite being able to pull an all-nighter, you just can’t find the energy to sort through administrative tasks.
Your boss is beginning to get a bit suspicious of your sick days, but to be honest if they spent a bit more time having fun they might not be so uptight.