The Detective
1.7% of women | 1.9% of men
1.7% of women | 1.9% of men
A problem solver and critical thinker, the Detective is an independent, competitive, highly adaptive creature. You are methodical, cool-headed, and inclined to be a bit suspicious.
It is more important to be respected than liked, and with your ambition and drive, people tend to respect you. You are fiercely competitive, and have a clear and rigorous plan for achieving your goals.
Your to-do lists are always extensive and always completed, and your meal plans are rigid. Mindless activities like television are a waste of your potential, although sometimes a good HBO show might be worth investing time in: after all, Westworld is barely TV, it’s a thought experiment.
The idea of basic conversations with basic people at basic bars prompts you to lock your door and reach for a good book, and you can’t stand intellectually unstimulating tasks.
As a truth-seeker, you’ve taken the time to come to your own conclusions about life’s big questions, and have a bookshelf buckling under its weight to prove it.