50+ Ways to Make Friends In College

college friends campfire

Making friends is always hard, but in college there are a ridiculous amount of spaces practically designed to help you get to know other people.

We suggest picking a handful of options on this list it’s less about any particular thing, and more about getting out there with a friendly and determined-to-meet-people attitude.

Once you’re out of your dorm room or apartment on a regular basis, that moment where you smile and relax because you are actually connecting with someone you like? That will come a lot sooner than you think.

  1. Go to campus events (speakers, protests, music).
  2. Join a student activity/organization.
  3. Strike up a conversation in class.
  4. Chat people up in your dorm.
  5. Get a job on campus.
  6. Say yes to invitations.
  7. Try “mind if I sit here” at a dining hall.
  8. Become an RA.
  9. Don’t be someone you think is cool, just be yourself.
  10. Message people before the school year starts.
  11. Volunteer on campus.
  12. Reach out to people in your class to collaborate on homework or study.
  13. Get off of social media. Get off of your phone.
  14. Host something and invite people.
  15. Start a study group.
  16. Use We3 for free and the app will find awesome people for you.
  17. Go to a party. Use liquid courage.
  18. Find a social butterfly friend and stay close by.
  19. Talk to people at orientation. Or your first day of class..
  20. Keep your dorm room open.
  21. Clean yourself up, dress as well as you can.
  22. Actually say hi and introduce yourself… You can do it. Seriously.
  23. Play rec sports.
  24. Go to the org fair.
  25. Have a few starter conversation topics in mind.
  26. Join a fraternity or sorority.
  27. Join an on campus religious community.
  28. Hang out in common areas.
  29. Become a tutor.
  30. Smile (this one helps a lot).
  31. Call on old friends from high school if you’re still in the area.
  32. And relax – most people are pretty nice and often anxious themselves.
  33. Strike up a conversation at the gym.
  34. Show up early for class and strike up a conversation.
  35. Ask better questions.
  36. Become a student leader on campus.
  37. Room with someone you don’t know.
  38. Use social media to find real life events and go to them.
  39. Tell more interesting stories.
  40. Overcome anxiety or shyness slowly by setting small goals.
  41. Chat up people on the bus.
  42. Find the late night food spots and be sociable.
  43. Make small talk in the laundry room.
  44. Hit a coffee shop.
  45. Do research with a professor.
  46. Try social dancing (contra, swing, etc).
  47. Be friendly everywhere.  From an elevator to the quad.
  48. Not sure where to start? Leave your room and just show up.
  49. Be kind; give authentic compliments.
  50. Challenge yourself to go outside your comfort zone. It may be required!
  51. Don’t trip yourself up. That was just # ways to meet friends; the only thing stopping you is you.

Are there any social spaces you’ve met people that we’ve missed? Our mission is to connect you the person you’re best friends with in a parallel universe, but somehow never bumped into in this one.

After letting us know a little about your interests and personality, we connect you in small group of two other people who like what you like and are already “your person.” If you haven’t given it a try, it may save you a lot of trouble (psst, did we mention it’s free?).





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