Adaptive, intuitive, and compassionate, the Hippie’s life is one of introspection and humanitarian concern. You are very self-reflective, and this analytical trait makes you incredibly understanding of other people. Your capacity to fantasize is both a blessing and a curse: it makes you committed to improving the world, but sometimes takes you so far away from it that you need to be brought back a bit.
Your Story
Social problems and global injustices really preoccupy you, and you are a member of a number of movements, enterprises, and projects committed to raising awareness and teaching about the state of our world.
You are a strong advocate of cooperation and knowledge sharing, which means that you are anti-conflict not just in your social outlook, but in your personal life. You aren’t really into team sports because you have no interest in winning, and would rather help someone else score a goal than take a victory lap yourself.
You like to listen and to learn, so you often take a back seat in conversations. People shouldn’t be fooled, though: you are taking everything in, and if you were actually asked you could provide a clear and cutting commentary on any conversation topic covered.
Anyone stumbling across your diary would be amazed at the intellectual, creative clarity, and wonder why you spend so much time counselling, consoling, and championing others rather than sharing your own thoughts. Ultimately, though, your heart might be even bigger than your brain.