The Intellectual
3.1% of women | 2.3% of men
3.1% of women | 2.3% of men
A perfectionist, troubled with your own ideas and quick to direct your anger inwards. Your liberal views and strong work ethic direct you towards the common good, but your scrutiny, self-judgement and tendency towards critical reflection can render you quite pessimistic.
If it weren’t for the looming threat of failure, and the worry that you simply aren’t good enough, you would be so content to be left alone to paint, to write, or to indulge in perfect mathematical equations. There is such beauty in the world, especially in the world you create in your mind, and you access that creative flair best when left in peace and quiet.
The best adventures are those that are explored in this way: having a bold new idea is more thrilling than booking a last minute flight, and taking a leap into the chasms of your brain is easier than turning up alone to a party of strangers.
When you’re confronted with a difference of opinion, you are torn between your desire to trust, to be fair and to be liked, and your internal monologue that constantly questions and secretly criticizes.
You know nobody hates you, but you don’t have a huge social circle—that’s fine, though: people can be messy.